The draft National Education Policy 2019 (Government of India) is now available at Government’s Website ( Comments and suggestions if any may be mailed to [email protected] before 30th June 2019.
The policy was formulated by a committee led by former ISRO chief K. Kasturirangan. Among other changes, the committee has suggested restructuring school curriculum and pedagogy in a 5+3+3+4 design, with 5 years of foundational stage (pre-primary school, grade 1 and grade 2), 3 years of preparatory (grades 3 to 5), 3 years of middle stage (grades 6 to 8) and 4 years of high stage (grades 9 to 12). This structure makes Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) an integral part of school education. The committee has also proposed the extension of Right to Education Act 2009 to cover children of ages 3 to 18, as well as renaming MHRD as Ministry of Education (MoE).
Other recommendations include a complete overhaul of board examinations, removing distinctions between different “streams” of study, incorporating Indian knowledge systems in the curriculum, constituting a National Education Commission, curbing arbitrary fees hikes by private schools, and changes to training of teachers. The existing Education Policy was framed in 1986 and revised in 1992.
[NEW UPDATE] Following protests from several states over a three-language plan that required children to compulsorily learn Hindi, the reference to Hindi has been removed in the controversial clause. The revised draft states that “students who wish to change one or more of the three languages they are studying may do so in Grade 6 or Grade 7, so long as they are able to still demonstrate proficiency in three languages…”. The old version had said that Hindi and English would continue to be among the three languages students would study in schools, be it in Hindi or non-Hindi speaking states.
At EdCaptain, we are also collecting suggestions/feedback from Education Experts to submit it to the Government of India (regarding the DRAFT Education Policy). If you would like to share your comments with the Government, you may send it to us by clicking on the button below.
The third language HINDI must be included in the curriculam across the country as regional people regional language is important.
For global survival every one accepted ENGLISH so no problem .
only the third language a language national level ( INDIA) will help rural people to migrate to any state for their career growth or monetary benefit as urban youths move out side india for career and money. where as the rural youths and their parents also do not allow them to go out side neither the state nor abroad as they feel the weakness of english in their child .
My suggestion is :
If the third language is available for free and also the most important is the marks scored in Hindi should not be considered for the promotion or for that matter for job or for any ranking or rating only the regional language and Second language only must be considered for these. ( promotion to next level or ranking, or job opportunity etc etc.. in fact this should not get reflected in the mark sheet itself a separate score card can be issued every year thats all.
I strongly reject the national education policy draft 2019. because every citizens of India should be educated
Against taking education from state rights and closing the schools and reducing the seat counts. This is directly blocks education for under privileged.
What is the need for students to migrate across different states for good studies.Its the government responsibility to provide quality education at a place where we live..It doesn’t require HINDI to be learnt for every individual.I’m at 33 but and a family of dozen kids we never felt the need of HINDI as we are joyfully having the kids studied at the school in our locality.The new policy is coming with half a dozen of exams which ruin kids life.Please think about the kids at villages and in urban areas.People from south india never migrated to any other states for their survival rather its happening the other way around…Its better who are coming to South india can learn the appropriate state languages for their survival.