Some children don’t face learning challenges that require special attention. They may struggle from time to time but learning for them doesn’t come with difficult challenges. There are children, however, who struggle daily to learn school concepts with ease. Learning aspects become a challenge that creates frustration in these children. Those children who have difficulty in learning content which is appropriate for their age may be suffering from learning disorders or learning disabilities. A learning disorder is a term used to describe various learning problems.
Lack of education and knowledge about learning disabilities frustrates the parents, caregivers, teachers but most importantly, the child. Without a better understanding, children with learning disabilities are often misunderstood. This is due to difficulty in solving the same academic problems which their peers solve with ease or less difficulty. The child sometimes changes schools because no one understands their challenges. Learning disability is not easy for children. Imagine, struggling daily with a concept that your peers can solve easily! Therefore a right approach to help the child with a learning disability is necessary.
Types of learning disorders
The different types of learning disorder include difficulty to understand numbers and learn mathematics, difficulty to read and write, disabilities that affect handwriting etc. Such disabilities affect the inability to write legible text, inappropriate spacing, poor spelling, or inability to write and think at the same time.
Other learning disabilities affect the ability to recall what has been studied, reading comprehensions, and reading fluently. This affects the skills necessary for learning. Moreover, some disabilities affect a child’s ability to understand or interpret nonverbal communication. Some children suffer from disabilities that affect their ability to draw or copy.
How to help a child with learning disabilities?
Children with a learning disorder can still lead a normal life with less frustration if their condition is understood and given proper care and support. Education may be important, but the child’s happiness and emotional wellbeing should take precedence. Below are a few tips to help a child with learning disabilities.
#1 Emotional support is vital
It is important for parents and caregivers to support the child emotionally and nurture their mental health. Children need to feel loved, appreciated, and supported by their parents. Therefore, emotional support encourages sound self-worth and self-esteem. Nurturing the child’s emotional needs building strength to help children attain much-needed independence. Parents should, by all means, avoid talking down on the child or comparing them with their peers who don’t have learning disorders. This attack of self-esteem doesn’t help the child; instead, it makes the situation worse.
#2 Be proactive in your child’s education
Parents and caregivers know their children best; they know their strengths and weaknesses. Being proactive in your child’s learning activities may help him learn to understand better. You may find out the best ways your child learns to understand better. Everyone has different methods which they use to learn. Some children are visual learners, while others are auditory learners. Be involved enough to know which method of learning your child prefers. If possible, getting a tutor who has experience working with children with learning disabilities may be helpful.
#3 Be your child’s advocate
You might be called the annoying parent, but it is worth speaking on behalf of your child helps get things done. If the child needs a special service that the school isn’t providing, speak up to make involved parties aware of the situation. Even in case of discrimination or ill-treatment whether it is from other children or teachers, it is wise to address the behavior and report it on behalf of the child.
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Note: The opinions expressed in this article are personal views of the author.