Ways to help children to discover their talents

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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Everyone has unique talents, but sometimes, it takes recognition and dedication to discover them. Actresses like Meagan Good and Drew Barrymore started acting at the young age of 4 years. Cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni started off playing soccer and later went on to play cricket and became one of the best players in cricket in the world. These are just a few examples of famous people whose talents became more than their passion and their livelihood as well.

Children have their special gifts, and it is important for parents to steer them in the right direction. Discovering talents is living a life with a purpose by sharing natural-born talents and gifts with others. Therefore, it is important for parents to support and encourage activities their children are passionate about. Below are a few tips to help children discover their hidden talents.

#1 Sign up kids for various activities

Exposing children to various activities as in sports, arts, and fashion to mention a few broaden – search leading to increase in finding a child’s passion of interest. However, keeping a child’s schedule tight with less free-time will likely overwhelm them and increase stress. Everything has to be in moderation to reduce unnecessary tension. While it is about finding activities children are good at, competitiveness may also stress a child. If a child is signed up to 3-5 activities, expecting a high level of competitiveness and excellence in all of them may do more harm than good. It is about enjoyment and passion, not about the competition and stress.

#2 Learn to watch and listen

When a child or even an adult has passion for something they talk about it non-stop, they often light up with excitement at the mention of the activity but most importantly they don’t have to be forced to do it. They voluntarily devote time and energy to the activity. It is important for parents to be mindful of the activities the child shows more interest in and encourages them even more.

#3 Don’t force your dreams or career on your child

A popular saying, “it runs in the family,” had parents forcing their children to be interested in careers and dreams that may not be a child’s passion. If as a parent, you were good at soccer but sustained an injury, which resulted in you giving up on your dreams, it doesn’t mean your child will want to play soccer. Let them find their passion and support them even if you, as a parent, don’t understand it.

#4 Learn to let go

Adults change their minds regularly, so do children. If your child won the national championship in spelling bee but somehow loses interest in it and finds passion in something else, learn to respect your child’s decision and let go. It may not be easy but remember they are still learning and discovering themselves, which might come with changes. However, they must be taught to honor a commitment. After signing up for an activity if possible, help them stick with it until a season ends if it’s a sporting activity or end of the competition for other activities. This will encourage them to grow up as adults who don’t develop a habit of quitting whenever they feel like.

#5 Let them have fun

After all, they are still children trying to find their way in life. Whatever activity they are doing can be serious but fun as well and not agonizing and unenjoyable. The main reason is to help them find something that will require less convincing but a great deal of self-motivation to do. If they aren’t having fun while doing it, then maybe it is not the right one.


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Note: The opinions expressed in this article are personal views of the author.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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